Tuesday 1 November 2016

About Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a South African born American-Canadian entrepreneur who is the founder of SpaceX, PayPal and Zip2 and also the chairman of Tesla Motors, SolarCity and SpaceX. Born on 29th June 1971, Musk showed talent in computers at a very young age and in fact created a video game at the age of 12 and sold it to a computer magazine. He studied in Queen, University and University of Pennsylvania and received bachelor’s degree in Physics and Economics. In 1995 he enrolled to the Stanford University but dropped out in two days as he felt internet, rather than physics, could bring change to the society. The very same year he started Zip2, a company which provided maps and business directories to online newspaper companies. Then he found X.com which later became PayPal, which specialized in online money transfer. After that he found SpaceX which has many achievements in its name and also is became head of Tesla Motors, SolarCity and SpaceX. He also is the founder of Hyperloop project.

Tesla Motor's Electric Cars

Tesla Motors is an electric car manufacturing company. Headed by Elon Musk, this company wants to create cars which runs on pure form of energy and don't pollute the environment. Tesla Motors started in 2003, by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, who wished to create a company to make electric cars. They were funded and encouraged by Elon Musk, who later became the chairman of the company. The company has been producing plenty of electric cars and revolutionizing the world of cars. It has many small batteries instead of one large one hence minimizing power loss and also having emergency power. But this car company also have controversies such as blasts and uneconomical buying of SolarCity.

Considering the pros and cons of the company profile and its cars, I give it 4 on five.

Monday 31 October 2016

Reusable Rocket

SpaceX has been in the news for the past few years for its miraculous achievements of sending astronauts to space, the achievements of Falcon 9 for being the first reusable rocket. I particularly focus on Falcon 9 as for its fantastic achievement of being the first reusable rocket and also the rocket which sent the dragon capsule to the ISS. Seeing that it is a reusable launcher and hence reducing economic cost of travel and also minimising usage of materials, this may be considered advantageous but every rocket has its bad day. During August 2016 Falcon 9 blast.

Hence, after seeing all the advantages and disadvantages of the reusable rocket plan, I give it three point five on five.


 SolarCity is a company headed by Elon Musk in order in order to promote use of clean energy and solar applications. Founded in 2006 this company was started by Musk's cousins Peter and Lyndon Rive. They wanted to bring about a change to solar energy. Motivated by Musk, they started this company. In 2016 the company was brought over by Tesla Motors Inc., a car company headed by Musk.  It is the largest solar energy supplier in United States of America.

 I give it five on five after judging its impact on the society and for promoting solar energy.

Sunday 30 October 2016


Hyperloop is an indigenous project of Elon Musk which aims to develop the fifth mode of transport and also give luxury and comfort to the passengers. This was given to other companies to develop and improve the project as Musk did not have time. A pressurized capsule riding on air-cushions in partial vacuum tubes in order to be in motion. This will make the capsule move a great speed. Approximately about twenty-eight people can travel. It is also economical.

Judging on basis of the given knowledge of the project and also seeing that the project has not yet been implemented , I judge the project four point five out of five.


OpenAI is a project founded by Elon Musk and aims to develop a friendly form of Artificial Intelligence. Some scientist say that if artificial intelligence could replicate itself and make itself more advance, it could possibly be the biggest threat to mankind. Musk asks a question: "What is the best thing we can do to ensure the future is good? We could sit on the sidelines or we can encourage regulatory oversight, or we could participate with the right structure with people who care deeply about developing AI in a way that is safe and is beneficial to humanity." He also agrees that what could be used to improve condition of living could also be used to harm it.

Seeing that this project has not yet been started, I rate four on five for the project judging it based on the information given.